Jonathan was having problems dealing with his father’s forgetfulness. At first it was mild, but seemed to be getting worse. His father was growing more frustrated with his memory lapses and would even get angry at Jonathan for no real reason. Jonathan talked with his father’s doctor about some of the issues and got a lot of great advice on how to reduce the incidents and boost his father’s mental capabilities to slow down age-related forgetfulness.

Elderly Care in Philadelphia PA: Reducing Forgetfulness

Elderly Care in Philadelphia PA: Reducing Forgetfulness

Many family caregivers know that elderly care of their aging relatives is very physical, from meals and hygiene to safety and more. However, they may not realize that they can actually help with memory, cognition, and forgetfulness as well. Unless the elderly relative is suffering from a degenerative condition like Alzheimer’s disease, forgetfulness is just a byproduct of aging. The good news is that there are many things that can be done to sharpen the mind, boost brain health and reduce forgetfulness.

Here are some ways that family caregivers who are responsible for elderly care can help reduce forgetfulness and eliminate stress and worry, too:

  • Create an environment with fewer items to remember by automating routines. This can mean everything from using a large calendar on the wall to programming digital reminders into a cell phone or personal digital assistant.
  • Make the living space consistent by setting things in a designated space and keeping them there. For example, put groceries away in the same place, week after week, and arrange bathroom drawers and clothes closets simply and efficiently.
  • Focus on problem solving for commonly misplaced items, such as keys or phones. This could be as simple as hanging a hook by the door or installing a “find my phone” feature.
  • Set a schedule that can be relied on, such as having home care aides come at the same time each week or setting a hair appointment for the same date each month.
  • Reduce clutter, both physical and mental, so that everything is streamlined and simple. This can mean cleaning out closets, reducing clutter, and taking over some tasks that may be confusing or complicated.
  • Encourage memory games like chess, cards, board games, crossword puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, and more.
  • Develop hobbies that require the brain to expand, such as playing an instrument, learning a language, or mastering a craft.
  • Read as often as possible, from books and magazines to newspapers and more.
  • Promote exercise, because studies show that increased oxygen and blood flow to the brain can help slow down age-related forgetfulness.
  • Avoid dehydration, which can reduce mental abilities.
  • Incorporate brain food into the diet, such as fish, green vegetables, and dark chocolate.
  • Don’t focus on their forgetfulness because it could cause depression and anxiety. Just focus on all the good recall they have and minimize any memory lapses.


Family caregivers are there to provide physical and mental support and elderly care for their aging relatives. In addition to their physical well-being, it’s always a good idea to incorporate memory boosts and cognitive exercise into a comprehensive elderly care plan.

If you or an loved-one are considering professional elderly care in Philadelphia, PA, talk to Unlimited Staffing Solutions. Specializing in Home and Community Based Support Waiver Services Since 2001. Please Call Us for Your Home Care Needs (215) 447-7133



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