As people age, it is essential that they keep their brain sharp. Whether you or home care providers are caring for your elderly loved one, you should make sure they continue to enrich their brain. There are many ways they can do this. Before finding out ways to help your loved one with this, you should know that through these tips you can also help to reduce cognitive decline in your loved one, as well.

Learning a New Language

Home Care Boyertown, PA: Brain Enrichment Ideas

Many elderly adults think it is too late for them to learn a new language. They may also think there is no reason for them to do so. However, one of the best reasons of all is that they can reduce cognitive decline. Learning a new language can help your elderly loved one to keep their brain functioning at its top level. It can be simple for your loved one to learn a new language, as well. They can play a CD while they are eating or while sitting in their recliner. Even with 10 minutes of learning every day, they can improve their brain health.

Being Creative

Being creative is another way that your elderly loved one can boost their cognitive functions. Creative activities help to boost one’s spirit, mind, and body. You or a home care provider could take your elderly loved one to an art class, to a craft store to pick out a project, or to a photography club. All of these things can help to boost your loved one’s brain health.


When many elderly adults age, they stop socializing as much as they used to. There could be various reasons for this. However, it is important that you and their home care providers make sure they keep socializing. It can help them to stay active and healthy. It can keep their brain engaged through conversations and activities with others, as well. Even visiting with friends or family members one time every week can be enough to boost brain health and cognitive functioning.


Making or even listening to music can help with brain enrichment, as well. Listening to, playing, or dancing to music can be fun, exciting, and can bring up happy memories. Find out what your loved one wants to do with music. Maybe they want to learn to play a new instrument. They may just want to listen to music from their teenage years. Whatever works for them, do your best to incorporate music into their daily life.


Have your elderly loved one read everything and anything. They can read magazines, books, articles, and blog posts. The more they read, the more active and engaged their brain will be. Enriching the brain through reading can also help your loved one to learn new things. It is a win-win for them.

These are some of the best brain enrichment ideas for elderly adults. Start helping your elderly loved one to do these things at least once or twice a week.


If you or a loved-one are considering hiring Home Care in Boyertown, PA talk to Unlimited Staffing Solutions. Specializing in Home and Community Based Support Waiver Services Since 2001. Please Call Us for Your Home Care Needs (215) 447-7133 



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