What is Your Backup Plan if You Can’t Care for Mom?
Your mom needs help around the house. You’ve been helping her out and that’s working fine, but what happens if something changes? Do you have a backup plan? You should.

Senior Care in Radnor PA: Have a Backup Plan
Life Doesn’t Come With Warnings.
Imagine a scenario like this. Your family’s care plan is going great. Your younger sister was already staying home with her children. They were in school, so she had hours each day where she could help your mom out with shopping, laundry, and meals before going to pick her kids up. This system worked and everyone was happy.
On the way home, someone ran a stop sign. Your sister was in a car accident. Her pelvis is fractured. Doctors tell your family that she needs 12 weeks to recover and that caring for your mom is not possible for now. That leaves you and your siblings struggling to figure out work schedules, take emergency vacation days, and make sure someone is there for your mom.
Maybe you are the caregiver. Your husband loses his job. It’s going to take two jobs to make up the loss of pay. You’re going to have to be there to get your kids to practices. You’ll need to cook dinners now. This cuts the amount of time you have available to care for your mom.
There are so many reasons why a backup plan is something you cannot ignore. Even if the family caregiver is fine, your mom’s care needs may advance to a point no one in your family is able to manage. Bed transfers, showering, and adult diaper changes are just a few of them. Your mom simply may not want you to be the one offering care when the needs are more intimate.
Here’s the Best Solution.
Professional senior care is the answer. You can have a caregiver come to your mom’s home in the hours that no one is available. You won’t have to quit jobs, negotiate a lighter schedule with your boss, or sacrifice family time together. With a caregiver preparing your mom’s meals, taking her shopping, and driving her to social events, you can focus on whatever you need.
Ready to learn more about senior care? Call a home care agency today and discover the range of services that help your mom stay at home. She can stop worrying about being alone or not being able to handle more challenging tasks. Get in touch with an expert in senior care today.
If you or an loved-one are considering professional senior care in Radnor, PA, talk to Unlimited Staffing Solutions. Specializing in Home and Community Based Support Waiver Services Since 2001. Please Call Us for Your Home Care Needs (215) 447-7133
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