Are You Doing Everything that You Can to Make Time for Yourself?
You might try figuring out how to carve out more time for you, only to give up fairly quickly when an obstacle shows up or when the task gets tough. Here are some ways around that problem.

Senior Care in Newtown Square PA: Making Time for Yourself
Seek out Spare Minutes.
Those spare minutes you find here and there to just breathe can actually add up. The thing is that you need to pay attention to them and actively look for them. You might find a few minutes when your elderly family member decides to take a nap or when you wake up a few minutes before your alarm goes off. If you’re a night person, you might find an extra few minutes after everyone else has gone to bed. Cherish those little pieces of time and do something just for you.
Schedule It.
When all else fails, make an appointment with yourself. Scheduling in time just for you might sound like you’re going overboard, but it can make all the difference in finding room in your schedule that is just for you. For some people, the reality of seeing an appointment, even one with themselves, makes that time more “real.”
Find Respite Coverage.
The last thing that you need when you’re trying to find time for yourself is to be worried about your aging adult and how she’s getting on without you. Take care of yourself by removing that worry completely. Engage senior care providers who have experience helping aging adults just like your family member. That way you can relax when you do have time just for yourself.
Give Yourself Permission.
The last obstacle may not be one that you even realize you’re holding onto tightly. You have to give yourself permission to take the time that you need. If you overlook this step, you might find yourself sabotaging any time that you do set aside without understanding why. Acknowledge that you deserve to feel rested and fulfilled as a caregiver and cut yourself some slack.
Take stock of how you’re really feeling right now. If you’re worn down and drained, even first thing in the morning, you’re going to have to find the time to recharge yourself.
If you or an loved-one are considering professional senior care in Newtown Square, PA, talk to Unlimited Staffing Solutions. Specializing in Home and Community Based Support Waiver Services Since 2001. Please Call Us for Your Home Care Needs (215) 447-7133
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